In 1952 Carlo Bertone, set up the company Bertone Sementi in Casale Monferrato (Alessandria). His perspicacity allowed him to understand that all future growths of the agriculture would be supported by an increasing demand of quality seeds, and by a strong wish to get , and to test new varieties. Formerly the company produced only soft wheat and barley seeds ,using a voluntary service of certification when it was not required by any law.
At the beginning of the 60’s Bertone sementi began the production of the rice (paddy) seeds . It was the rice seed that ,thanks to a fast commercial success, characterized this company up to became in the 90’s the main Italian producer. The constant increase of the sales encouraged the owner to build a new and modern factory that was inaugurated in 1986 at Terruggia , village a few miles from Casale Monferrato / Italy